Summary of a Child’s Day
Our staff greet and welcome children in the morning after which they are assisted in changing into their indoor shoes and prepared for breakfast.
After breakfast, children release their energy through outdoor physical play or soft play. We then separate into our classrooms; each class follows a different schedule for the day that is personalised for their specific age group. The schedule consists of circle time, focused learning, physical play, story time, phonics, and free play. Lunch and snack time takes place in the kitchen at set times for each class. In addition, naptime is available should it be required. After naptime, children boost their energy levels by having a light snack and then continue with their normal activities in their classrooms.

Daily Feedback
We understand the importance of good communication between parents and teachers. You will receive daily feedback on your child’s day, including their activities, hygiene routine, meals, and nap times. Photos of your child are also regularly shared. The application used at Fairy Tales Nursery can be downloaded onto your phone and can also be accessed from your desktop.
Each branch has its own individual meals schedule. Our meal routine consists of breakfast, lunch, and snack. We have a rolling breakfast that takes place during the morning hours; as children arrive at different times. Each class has its own schedule for lunch and a rolling snack time takes place in the early afternoon..

How We Can Help
This is an exciting but sometimes overwhelming period for both children and parents. Our empathetic, caring, and affectionate staff work to ensure a child-centred approach in order to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your child and to support a smooth settling-in process. Our staff are based in their designated classrooms, which allows children to become familiar with their teachers in a short period of time and helps with the attachment process. Transitions to the bathroom, dining area, and physical play areas are carefully supported so that children can explore without feeling overwhelmed.
How You Can Help
Beginning a new nursery can be daunting for both parents and children. Below are some useful tips that can help with settling your child into our nursery:

Separation Anxiety
It is completely natural for young children to become upset and feel anxious when you say goodbye. Although it can be difficult, separation anxiety is a normal part of a child’s development. With understanding and coping strategies separation anxiety can be relieved and should fade as your child gets older. Some children may still show separation anxiety when leaving you in the morning as these children are still very young; this is completely normal. Please do not hesitate to speak to management should you have any concerns around your child’s settling-in progress.
Click here for more information about Separation Anxiety